An Early Win

A long time since the last update. I’ve been working on the workshop: electrical is in and I now have power and light! While running electrical I also ran telephone and Internet out to the workshop – as I said, I’m a geek…

The Imperial is right at home in the workshop, which is a slightly oversize two car garage. There is enough room both for the car and to work! I’m getting really spoiled by having my tools where I need them. And a flat concrete floor is a fine luxury feature.

I spent the winter tracking down parts and suppliers. The engine and transmission need to be rebuilt, as does the entire front and rear suspension. This is going to get expensive very quickly.

I’ve started with a small victory: the spring was broken in the passenger windshield wiper arm, allowing it to flop around. Like everything else for old Imperials, the windshield wipers are a special part. Which, of course, is not available.

I had another pair of wiper arms that didn’t fit. I suddenly realized “hey, these wiper arms have a spring. I wonder if it would fit?”

Of course, it didn’t fit.

While staring at the old and new springs I noticed:

  1. The hook had broken off one end of the original Imperial wiper arm spring.
  2. The donor spring had two good hooks.
  3. I have a welder.

So, cut the hook off and weld it onto the old spring. This took a while, as it was challenging to get the old and new spring lined up and stable so that I could weld. After a half second zap from the welder I had a spring with two ends on it. Reinstall the spring in the wiper arm, and I now have two working wipers.

It’s a small thing. But “the journey of a thousand miles begins with tripping over the shoelaces your friends have tied together”.

Next: Motor Out

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