Monthly Archives: April 2021

Stop It III plus More Good News

After the air conditioning work covered in Chilling? the power brake booster showed up and seemed to be in one piece. Which meant it was time to reinstall it, cross my fingers, and try the brakes. So I reinstalled the … Continue reading

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The previous post Two Steps Forward. One Step Back. 1/2 Step Forward? covered mixed news on the power brake booster. While waiting for resolution on the brake booster I might as well tackle another job. Air conditioning is vital. Yes, … Continue reading

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Site Move? Site Move!

The site has moved from to What does this mean? All in all, not much. I started this blog using free hosting from This was an easy and, umm, free, way to get started. The only real … Continue reading

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Yet More Workshoppery Storage

Much of the work on the Imperial is on hold while waiting for the power brake booster mentioned in the last post. The next round of planned electrical upgrades are a tight fit to the brake master cylinder, so I’m holding off … Continue reading

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