Monthly Archives: June 2021

Retiring the Imperial

In Sounds of Silence we made tremendous progress on the interior – but weren’t quite ready to really drive the car. I didn’t trust the tires that came with the car. They weren’t the right size for the car, were … Continue reading

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Sounds of Silence

Previous: This Sucks Imperials are known for being quiet. Mine wasn’t. It is now. No carpet was big part of the problem, along with the removal of sound deadening undercoating described in Bottoms Down. While carpet is a good start, … Continue reading

Posted in Restoration | 2 Comments

This Sucks

Previous article: Aligned Inspection. In an earlier article I claimed that the vacuum powered push/pull actuators for the heater air doors were working. This proved to be a bit optimistic… There was some movement from some of the actuators but … Continue reading

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