Monthly Archives: August 2021

First Cruise Night!

Despite some of the issues covered in the previous article Electrical 10: 2 Bad the Imperial was drivable – so time to drive it! One of the reasons for getting the Imperial was to participate in car related events like … Continue reading

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Electrical 10: 2 Bad

In the last article Electrical 9: Up Gauging we largely finished upgrading the Imperial wiring. But the story wasn’t done. Bypassing the ammeter leaves no way to know the state of the charging system, so I planned to add a … Continue reading

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Electrical 9: Up Gauging

In Electrical 8: RTFL I fixed a stupid mistake in connecting the new wiring harness, allowing me to get back to things that actually improve the car. I’ve described how much of the original factory wiring is too small and … Continue reading

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Electrical 8: RTFL

After finishing the headlights in Electrical 7: Headlights it was time to track down why the heater blower motor wasn’t working. The symptom was a blown fuse as soon as I pressed any of the heater buttons. No power means … Continue reading

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