Yup, this is the 100th post! When I started this blog in 2017 I really thought it would die of neglect after a year or so. While I was sure I could remember everything, She Who Must Be Obeyed pointed out that this wouldn’t actually happen in the real world and suggested I write things down. And maybe share it with other people. As usual She Who Must Be Obeyed was right.
The original thought was a notebook. But I type better than I write – with my handwriting I should have been a doctor. Understanding my scratches is more an exercise in deciphering than reading. And I was taking thousands of pictures of the Imperial with the goal of having a reasonable chance of putting it back together.
I had been writing a professional blog for a number of years – Techponder. Which has been woefully neglected since I retired. If you are having trouble sleeping feel free to take a look at it.
In any case, I had the knowledge, resources, and “talent” to start documenting these strange activities here in Imperial Journey.
Turns out that this blog was a good idea. There have been a number of times when I felt I wasn’t making any progress and looked though the blog. Whining about things like undercoating is surprisingly cathartic. The simple act of writing forces you to think. Believe it or not, there is actually thought behind these posts!
The workshop, the Imperial, and the other projects were an incredible help in maintaining what I use for sanity through the recent pandemic. Having something to do every day, having problems to solve, and having new things to learn was vital. It is amazing what obscure things Amazon, RockAuto.com, and a number of other vendors can deliver directly to your doorstep with no human interaction.
While much remains to be done, quite a lot has been been accomplished! Some of the posts, like the series on electrical wiring, have even been useful to other people.
So, to anyone reading this, congratulations on your bravery, I will not comment on your lack of taste, and I will continue writing until the mobs with pitchforks convince me to stop!