With the seat backs done next up was the arm rest. You know the drill by now: take the old cover off, take the old cover apart, use the pieces of the old cover to make templates, cut out new pieces, sew them together, and re-install.
Like the rest of the seat, the after market cover was installed over the factory cover, allowing me to use the original factory cover to make the templates.

The biggest surprise was that the arm rest was nothing but a chunk of plywood and a big block of foam. For some reason I had assumed that it was a plywood box with foam padding on the sides.
In this picture you see the new cover, which is made inside out and then turned outside out when installed. You can also see that the foam block is covered with cheese cloth – this makes it much easier to install the tight fitting cover over the grabby foam.
With the new cover installed the arm rest doesn’t look half bad. Maybe I’m actually making progress!