Author Archives: RussD

A Juki Roller Coaster Day

Having achieved an almost acceptable test panel with the junk vinyl, I decided to make one last test panel. This last test panel would use the actual vinyl I will be using for the seats. I also needed to change … Continue reading

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With the main seat insert largely under control it was time to deal with the next challenge – corners! “But”, I hear you say, “haven’t you already handled corners in multiple places?” Yes – flat corners. These are three dimensional … Continue reading

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Interior Starting Point

The Imperial had been re-upholstered at some point. While the upholstery fit fairly well it was made with non-Imperial quality materials. To be frank, it was ugly! Not to mention worn, dirty, and tearing in several places. There are springs … Continue reading

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Sewing Suckage

I have never done anything with a sewing machine. I have to learn everything from scratch. Using a technique known as a cannonball dive into the deep end of the pool.To summarize the early results, I suck at sewing. Exactly … Continue reading

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New Machine Tool

I’ve just acquired a new machine tool for the workshop – a Juki LU 563 walking foot sewing machine. Now the Imperial interior gets real! Why do I call this a machine tool? It is a fabrication tool, just like … Continue reading

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First Parts!

While sewing is needed for the seats and door panels there are a couple of trim pieces that don’t require sewing – I can start with those. The back seat has a trim panel that goes between the seat and … Continue reading

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Covering Quandary

With the shop and materials for upholstery work coming together I ran out of room for stalling on what material to use. Time to make some decisions and place an order. The first big question was leather or vinyl? Leather … Continue reading

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Inside Prep for Interior Work

Since upholstery work is completely new the workshop needs to be reconfigured a bit to support it. The main features are a work table and an industrial sewing machine. I don’t have a sewing machine yet, but I have tracked … Continue reading

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Opus 100

Yup, this is the 100th post! When I started this blog in 2017 I really thought it would die of neglect after a year or so. While I was sure I could remember everything, She Who Must Be Obeyed pointed … Continue reading

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The original plan was to restore the Imperial in three stages: mechanical, paint and body, and interior. The original plan was also to accomplish each stage in a year, with three years for the total restoration. I’m now nine years … Continue reading

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