Category Archives: Restoration

Electrical 9: Up Gauging

In Electrical 8: RTFL I fixed a stupid mistake in connecting the new wiring harness, allowing me to get back to things that actually improve the car. I’ve described how much of the original factory wiring is too small and … Continue reading

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Electrical 8: RTFL

After finishing the headlights in Electrical 7: Headlights it was time to track down why the heater blower motor wasn’t working. The symptom was a blown fuse as soon as I pressed any of the heater buttons. No power means … Continue reading

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Previously: Electrical 7: Headlights When we last saw the Imperial it was running great on a short test drive. It was now time for a serious drive! I started out slowly, driving around the block while watching the gauges and … Continue reading

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Electrical 7: Headlights

Electrical 6: I Need Power! described the installation of the new fuse/relay box and rough wiring. The next step was to complete the headlight wiring by installing a Weather Pack 4 pin connector on the new wiring harness. I may … Continue reading

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Electrical 6: I Need Power!

As described in the previous article Towed the Imperial is waiting for parts. Which means that it is a good time to get back to the electrical work last seen in Electrical 5: Boxing. With the location and mounting of … Continue reading

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Not a great day – the Imperial died in the middle of a test drive and had to be towed home. As a break from the electrical work covered in Electrical 5: Boxing I had decided to put some miles … Continue reading

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Electrical 5: Boxing

After Retiring the Imperial it was time to get back to electrical work. Electrical 4: Modernizing the Fusebox covered updating the old fusebox under the dash. I’m now at the point where I can start working on adding a high … Continue reading

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Retiring the Imperial

In Sounds of Silence we made tremendous progress on the interior – but weren’t quite ready to really drive the car. I didn’t trust the tires that came with the car. They weren’t the right size for the car, were … Continue reading

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Sounds of Silence

Previous: This Sucks Imperials are known for being quiet. Mine wasn’t. It is now. No carpet was big part of the problem, along with the removal of sound deadening undercoating described in Bottoms Down. While carpet is a good start, … Continue reading

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Aligned Inspection

The previous article on Steering Wheeling brought us up to date on steering wheel cosmetics, turn signals, and horn. The Imperial was drivable but didn’t feel quite right. Which wasn’t entirely surprising since the entire suspension had been off the … Continue reading

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